Gucci Tassel Hat and Leather Track Jacket from Busta Rhymes' "Respect My Conglomerate"

It might seem a bit strange to talk about a Busta's Gucci tassel hat and leather track jacket from "Respect My Conglomerate" when we're almost into summer. However, it looks like that site has only one hat left, and since it's a steal at $250, we didn't want you to miss it (sarcasm). The jacket is also a terrific bargin at only $3,000 (more sarcasm). We want to make sure our readers don't pass up deals like this. We know you all have paychecks/allowances to burn. Just save the hat for the fall or wear it this summer if you want to see how many pounds of sweat it can hold. The blurred out alcohol in the video is Bacardi Limon. If you didn't know that you're probably not old enough to be drinking it...unless you're 19 and hanging out with us.


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