Thiis is goign to be the fisrt post wrutten withh one hand. Ok forget it, that's harder than I thought. Drake's new video
"Best I Ever Had", directed by Kanye West, is easily one of the best videos ever. We're linking to the video on Necole Bitchie's site because not only is she the first real blogger to talk to us (she's "kinda like a big deal"), it's fun to see all the ladies bitchin' about this titty-fest video on there. All the complaining just feels like home for us.
We love this video so much we watched it about six times before we remembered to look for stuff. The shoes in the shot above are pretty obviously
Chuck Taylors ($45) once you focus your eyes on them. There is also a
Billionaire Boys Club t-shirt ($80) worn by a guy in the stands. I'm sure we'll be looking for some of the girls in this video later, but for now it's
back to business.
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