If you haven't seen it by now you should probably check out Ricky Rude's
"She Wants My Dick" video. It's not your typical rap video but it makes us laugh and most of the girls in there seem very "down to earth" (that's what you say about a girl who you think you might actually have a shot at banging, right?). Example - Daphne. We might in love with Daphne, not only for her "work" on the ice cube and lollipop during the video, but because we're pretty sure she would talk to us at a party and that would make us feel like we had a chance. All we need is hope (and a fresh large pizza back at our place). We didn't find anything to buy yet in this one but we did find a
video of Daphne at home on WSHH and another one of her
"practicing" on the lollipop during the shoot. Kiss your Monday good bye. Don't worry, as soon as we find Daphne's last name we'll begin stalking her.
Did you get her last name ?